χristoφe Демко
Assistant professor in Computer Sciences

Laboratoire L3i
Dpt informatique
Avenue Michel Crépeau
La Rochelle University
17042 La Rochelle
Cedex 1
As an assistant professor, with a tenure dating back to 1995, my research interests have undergone a significant transformation over the years, from Natural Language Processing to Formal Concept Analysis, with a focus on Image Processing and Fuzzy Logic.
My current research endeavors are centered around the concept of Generalized Convex Hull in the realm of Formal Concept Analysis applied to complex and heterogeneous data sets.
I am presently in charge of instructing the “Programming in C
Language” courses, which are a part of the second-year curriculum for the Computer Science Bachelor’s degree program at La Rochelle University.
My passion for Judo, which I have practiced for three decades, has significantly impacted both my teaching style and my research approach. I am deeply influenced by the words of Jigoro Kano, particularly the phrases “自他共栄 - Mutual Welfare and Benefit” and “精力最活用 - Maximum efficient use of energy”, which resonate with my beliefs and principles.
Sep 21, 2024 | Update publications. |
Feb 14, 2023 | Add icons for selected publications. |
Feb 1, 2023 | Use dimension badges. |
Dec 2, 2022 | Add CV. |
Nov 24, 2022 | Moving to gitlab page. |
selected publications
- Description lattices of generalised convex hullsInternational Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Aug 2024No. 109269